- The security prices follows the process above.
- Short selling is permitted.
- Securities are perfectly divisible.
- There are no transaction fees and no dividends.
- There are no risk-free arbitrage opportunities.
The correct price for the option at time \(t\) is when $$ V_t-\Pi S_t=\text{Present Value of }~(V^+-\Pi u S_t), $$ which gives $$ \begin{array}{lll} V_t&=\Pi S_t+e^{-r \Delta t}~(V^+-\Pi u S_t)&~~~(7)\\ &&\\ &=\frac{V^+-V^-}{u-l} +e^{-r \Delta t}~\frac{u V^-- l V^+ }{u-l}&~~~(8), \end{array} $$ where \(r\) is the risk-free interest rate. Note that $$ e^{r \Delta t}(V_t-\Pi S_t)=V^+-\Pi u S_t=V^--\Pi l S_t $$
- Assume that \(V_t\) is less than the terms in equation (7), then at at time \(t\)
- We sell short \(\Pi\) securities for \(\Pi S_t\) and deposit the money in the bank.
- We buy a put option for \(V_t\) borring this sum from the bank.
- If the security price goes up (down) to \(u S_t\) ( \(l S_t)\) at time \(t+\Delta t\).
- We buy \(\Pi\) security for \(\Pi uS_t\) ( \(\Pi lS_t\)) and sell the Put Option for \(V^+\) ( \(V^-\)).
- We then have a credit of \(V^++e^{r\Delta t }\Pi S_t\) ( \(V^-+e^{r\Delta t }\Pi S_t\)) and a debit of \(e^{r \Delta t} V_t+\Pi u S_t\) and can make a riskless profit, which contradict with the assumption that there is no risk-free arbitrage opportunities.
- Assume that \(V_t\) is greater than the terms in equation (7), then at at time \(t\)
- We borrow the money from the bank to buy \(\Pi\) securities for \(\Pi S_t\).
- We issue and sell a put option for \(V_t\) and deposit this money in the bank.
- If the security price goes up (down) to \(u S_t\) ( \(l S_t)\) at time \(t+\Delta t\).
- We sell \(\Pi\) security for \(\Pi uS_t\) ( \(\Pi lS_t\)) and buy the Put Option for \(V^+\) ( \(V^-\)).
- We then have a credit of \(e^{r \Delta t} V_t+\Pi u S_t\) and a debit of \(V^++e^{r\Delta t }\Pi S_t\) ( \(V^-+e^{r\Delta t }\Pi S_t\)) and can make a riskless profit, which contradict with the assumption that there is no risk-free arbitrage opportunities.
Therefore $$ V_t=\frac{V^+-V^-}{u-l} +e^{-r \Delta t}~\frac{u V^-- l V^+ }{u-l}, $$ with \(V(T)=\max(K-S(T)-K,0)\). The equivalent equations for an American option will be $$ V_t=\max \left( \frac{V^+-V^-}{u-l} +e^{-r \Delta t}~\frac{u V^-- l V^+ }{u-l}, K-S_t \right), $$ with \(V(T)=\max(K-S(T),0)\).
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Three-step binomial tree |
- Cox, J. C., Ross, S. A., and Rubinstein, M. (1979).
Option pricing: A simplified approach
. Journal of financial Economics, 7(3), 229-263.
- Tang, Q.
Mathematical Models in Industry and Finance
, Lecture Notes University of Sussex (2008).
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